Osteopathy is an established system of diagnosis and treatment that lays its main emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body. Osteopathy is primarily a hands-on manual treatment. It is based on the principle that health depends on the inter-relationship of various parts of the body.
Dry needling sometimes also called trigger point dry needling, is a technique used by some Doctors, Osteopaths and physiotherapists.
As part of our sports therapy service we offer deep tissue sports massage. Sports massage may help to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, which can accelerate soft tissue healing and have positive effects on the nervous system.
The majority of us have been exposed to physical trauma or stresses throughout our life. The body is usually capable of dealing with these strains, however sometimes they can accumulate and this may lead to pain and dysfunction.
Rehabilitation involves the prescription of specific stretching, strength, stability and proprioception (balance) exercises, to promote full healing from injury and to help avoid further injuries in the future. Post surgery rehabilitation can be provided by our team of Osteopath’s.
Kinesiology means the scientific study of human movement. This "new" form of taping, visible a lot on athletes in recent Olympic
Lymphatic Drainage Massage is effective in managing lymph-related conditions, reducing swelling, and fostering overall wellness...
The advantages of physiotherapy are vast, The By integrating physiotherapy into your wellness journey, you can recover from injuries and improve your mobility but also proactively
Unlike general Pilates, Clinical Pilates offers a tailored approach focused on your unique challenges. This allows for bespoke exercise...
A holistic healthcare system that emphasises the body’s natural ability to heal itself. By integrating various natural therapies, such as herbal medicine, nutrition, hydrotherapy, and somatic manual...